Saturday, November 04, 2006

Live from's Saturday Night!

Your guest host---Fosters Flooring----

John and Al came and finished up today with the final coats of Bona poly and the stuff looks Great! I guess they wrapped up today around 4 ish and now the fans are running while we are camped out upstairs. We will let it all dry for another 24 hours or so before we even think about putting our stuff back in. Till then it's Mtn Biking, shopping, and maybe just maybe a tackle on the basement shop area!

Some of you might be getting tired of seeing lame ol pictures of floors. So below are a couple taken from around our block today. Since we can't be just sitting here waiting for Poly to dry, we have been taking some nice walks See below


The Rose Garden at the end of our street>

1 comment:

Urbana Svendsens said...

The house looks awesome! We spent quite a few Saturday nights with music blasting while we scraped, painted or rewired or gutted something. I don't envy you all the work, but I do know that the place is beautiful and when it's done you'll REALLY appreciate it!