Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lights on! House is 100% wired!

double sinks, originally uploaded by donutboyroy.

So yesterday was a pretty big day for us here in the oldstonehouse. Adam finished up with the final bit of wiring. Sure he was waiting on us for a couple of months but whatever!

Here is a picture of the custom vanity, with the sinks in, plumbed and the lights on!

I still have to get the mirrors hung up a bit higher, but I think this will give most the idea of what we were trying to do. See more pics over on the flickr site over to the right!

LED can lights? YES YOU CAN!

So Adam (Carrington electric) came over to the cave yesterday to finish what he started some 2+ years ago. Finally 100% of all of this house is wired and rockin! When he came over he brought with him something very cool. Check it out here

What is it? ( Here is the answer incase you can't put two and two togther) A 6" LED can light! It can be installed in most fixtures that are 6" without any rewiring. Since it has its own trim you can just rip out the old trim kit and clips and slide this up into it's place!

Here is a picture of the light it throws out. Pretty white light!

Adam says they cost about $95 each but he claims that they will run for 15 years! They come with a 3 year warranty and are using CREE LED lights. Pretty cool stuff!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

sinks and shelves-

front view, originally uploaded by donutboyroy.

Here is an almost finished picture of the master bath vanity set-up. We stuck with the Kohler fixtures for the upstairs, continuing it from every other faucet in the house. We like it and it was super simple to install.

We are going to raise the mirrors ( DUH!) and install 3 fixtures across that wall. Yes I have some corner trim to get in where the old stuff was ( see the gap on the left)

Along with the sinks I was able to get some shelves built in Noah's playroom closet. I recycled some old Ikea shelves and made a pretty nifty set of shelves. It should help in getting all the toys and blankets out of the way as this room will also be a guest bedroom.

Well that is it from the Oldstonehouse. Yes it is cold here (12 degrees tonight) and yes it did snow lastnight. I posted more pics over on Flickr >>>>>> for the interested.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Back to church...back to work.

Saturday I prepared myself for church. I knew I would be going. I knew that I would wake up sunday morning, grab my best clothes and coffee and fire up the Chevy. I knew that I was going to be one of the first into the parking lot. I just knew I was going to get that "up front" spot.

And Last sunday I did just that. And I think I only spent $24 dollars. I just love/hate going to Lowe's on Sunday. But.....I had to do it. It is plumbing time and I had to get it done. With a little help from the 07 DIY assistant of the year (Bill Maunz) and his loaning of the pex crimping tool, I was able to get the water supply lines in. Pretty easy to do folks. If you can arm wrestle your infant cousin you can install PEX. You measure, you cut, you slide on the ring, you install the fitting, and then you CRIMP. WAH-LAH!

So I have been bitten by the bug again. After a long long long vacation from DIY upstairs, I am back into full swing. As full swing as a new dad can be. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that it isn't attached to a major issue.

One issue that I did have was when I was trying to install the worlds easiest faucet. (Kohler Fairfax narrow set) It wasn't the faucet that was bad. It was the sink. A Kohler sink that had a small defect where the drain goes. On the bottom where you tighten a gasket up to meet the bottom of the sink, was a small spot on the sink where the porcelain was missing or didn't come out of the mold correctly. So after 15 tries or so to get this damn thing in correctly I have pulled the sink and am planning a trip to the ugly orange box of sin and filth to return it

So folks the DIY bug is back and the project is back on track. Stay tuned for more fun and cursing.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Mountaineers are Always Free!

The legend of Owen Schmitt will live for a very long time in the hills of WV. If you didn't stay up until the very very end of the game and hangout through the 65 commercials between the end and the trophy presentation, then you probably missed this.

I don't play for the Mountaineers, but I believe that you all know that mine and Owen's views on the great state are pretty similar.