Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sanding the floor!

Saturday brought in the big toys. We rented a couple of sanders from the fine folks at United Rentals and away we went. Well we didn't move very fast or aggressive. With a couple of hours into it after the drywall crew left on Friday night, we woke @ 7 am on Saturday morning to try to get the rest of the nasty paper up. Bryan was scheduled to come over around 10, so we really had to get down on our knees and bust it. While our first thought was to only do what would not be under cabinets, we made it all possible by pushing hard through the morning.

Here is a pic of the floor after we moved everything out of the kitchen and cleaned up after the drywall crew.

Bryan is the same guy that helped me with the beam and wall. He has some good experiences under his toolbelt and is willing to share. You can't be people like that! It was was really cool that he showed me how and worked on the sanding of the floor. While a lot of it is nerve-racking, it's really not that big of a deal if you take your time and think out what your steps are going to be. I think it also helped that we had a couple of places that we know are going to be under cabinets and we were able to test our stain and sanding on those.

with all the paper and junk up

Nothing but yellow pine

So after many hours of using the drum sander and that crazy edge sander I was down to stain ready pine. Now while we know that southern yellow pine isn't the greatest wood in the world, we are most excited about the fact that we saved the original flooring. With about 75 combined hours of grunt work, we brought the floors back.

1 comment:

nick said...

Braver than I was with the sander. Looks good.