Sunday, February 11, 2007

The drywall ninja stopped by

Our friend Damon ( who is friends with charlie babbitt, a fellow antiochian) stopped by today to let his dog play in our yard with Kelsey (now 7yrs old!) and he wanted to help out here at the oldstonehouse. Damon wanted to learn more about DIY work on old houses, and what a better way to learn than tape and mud. It was fun to show a newbie how and what to do for butt joints and tappered joints of mud and tape. Not that we are pros here....but we sorta have a clue about it. The kid did a good job for his first time.
It's going to be a long week. I have my manager coming into town, 2 classes during the night, monday and thursday. So not a lot of time to get the second coat of mud up. Gotta try right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the blogger fails to inform you is that as a drywall ninja, I am honor bound to disguise my expertise until challenged. that way I can unleash some bad ass drywall ninja moves on the unsuspecting. For instance, I pretend that I "don't know" that this stuff eventually dries or that I don't know the name of the spatuala thingy used to spread the wall frosting... but I do know, but i don't want you to know that I know. Therein lies the genius of the drywall ninja