Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Out with the OLD in with the OLD?

So somehow I ended up with 5 pieces of this wood. Not just your everyday Lowe's or Home Depot stuff, but late 1800's flooring. Yeah that stuff is flooring! 6 ft long, 5 inches thick and 8 inches wide. I am not sure of the species, but I do know where it came from.

This wood is from the American Tobacco Building in Durham NC. Here is a LINK to the project that is going on.

Our hopes for this old wood is to mill it down and create the bartops for our two bar spaces between the kitchen and dining room. And if we have enough, a bench for the front porch. We will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Hard to say for sure, but looks like pine and most probably heart pine. Send it to the band saw!

nick said...

Looks like tobaccy wood. Run over it with the tumble bus!

Anonymous said...

do do do