Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The grass might be greener-

Well it is that time of the year where we load up every friday and head north to WV. Gauley season is one of the greatest parts of our life. Although we won't get on it all 6 weekends, we will do our best to get up there as much as possible. And since we are doing all of that, we won't really have time to be working much on the house. Here is a picture of OX and myself in a shredder on the upper g.

We did have a chance to tear up the back yard last week. I worked a tiller Friday afternoon and sandy worked out all of the not-so-level spots while I worked an event Sat. Morning. When I got home we started the seeding. I hope that it works. I have never planted that much seed before, like an entire yard. If it works out, our yard will be awesome. The concrete polishing didn't really help out that much, so its really great that we decided to just go for it. If you were going to till up your yard I would recommend something larger than the 5.5hp tiller that United Rentals rents. There is a larger version, comes on a trailer, but I don't have a hitch.

We are thinking about hiring someone to do all of the floors and on the edge about doing the upstairs. Time is a wastin.

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